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Master Spinach And Feta Pizza Recipe at Home


Welcome to your new favorite homemade delight: spinach and feta pizza! This vegetarian marvel layers creamy feta and rich, sautéed spinach on a perfectly crispy crust. Simple to prepare and bursting with fresh flavors, it’s sure to win over everyone at your table. Ready to craft a vegetarian pizza that’s as nutritious as it is delicious? Let’s dive in!

Welcome to your new favorite homemade delight: spinach and feta pizza! This vegetarian marvel layers creamy feta and rich, sautéed spinach on a perfectly crispy crust. Simple to prepare and bursting with fresh flavors, it’s sure to win over everyone at your table. Ready to craft a vegetarian pizza that’s as nutritious as it is delicious? Let’s dive in!

What is Spinach and Feta Pizza

What is Spinach and Feta Pizza
What is Spinach and Feta Pizza

Spinach and feta pizza is a popular vegetarian choice that brings together the earthy flavors of fresh spinach with the salty, creamy bite of feta cheese. This pizza swaps out traditional toppings for a healthier, yet equally satisfying combination. 

Often drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic, it offers a refreshing change from the heavier, meat-laden pizzas, making it a lighter option that doesn’t skimp on taste.

Nutrition in Spinach and Feta Pizza

Not only is spinach and feta pizza a treat for your taste buds, but it’s also a powerhouse of nutrients. Spinach, the star of the show, is loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, not to mention iron, which is crucial for your body’s energy production and immune function. 

Feta cheese adds a calcium boost, which is important for bone health. Together, these ingredients make for a nutrient-dense meal that provides a variety of health benefits while satisfying your pizza cravings. Whether you’re looking for a hearty meal or a quick snack, this pizza packs both flavor and nutrients in every slice.

Spinach and Feta Pizza Calories Table

IngredientQuantityCalories per Serving
Pizza Dough1/8 of a large pie150
Spinach1/4 cup (cooked)15
Feta Cheese1 oz80
Mozzarella Cheese1 oz85
Olive Oil1 tsp40
Garlic1 clove5
Total CaloriesPer Slice375
Spinach and Feta Pizza Calories

Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe Ingredients

Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe Ingredients
Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe Ingredients

Making a scrumptious spinach and feta pizza starts with gathering the right ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need to bring this tasty dish to life:

  • Pizza Dough: You can use a pre-made dough or make your own from scratch. For the best flavor and texture, homemade dough is recommended.
  • Fresh Spinach: About 10 ounces, which will wilt down significantly when cooked.
  • Feta Cheese: Crumbled, about 1 cup, for that creamy, tangy flavor that defines this pizza.
  • Mozzarella Cheese: Shredded, around 1 cup, to give the pizza that delightful, melty quality.
  • Garlic: 2 cloves, minced, to infuse the spinach with aromatic flavor.
  • Olive Oil: For sautéing the spinach and brushing on the dough before baking.
  • Salt and Pepper: For seasoning the spinach to enhance its natural flavors.

These ingredients combine to create a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, from the crisp crust to the rich topping. Preparing this pizza is straightforward, and the result is a delicious, hearty meal that’s sure to please.

What Sauce is on a Spinach and Feta Pizza

While traditional tomato sauce can be used, a spinach and feta pizza often benefits from a lighter, more nuanced sauce to complement its flavors. 

A popular choice is a garlic-infused olive oil base, which enhances the pizza without overwhelming the delicate taste of the spinach and feta. 

For those who prefer a creamier texture, a simple white sauce or even a pesto can serve as excellent alternatives, adding depth and richness to the dish.

Spinach and Feta Pizza Sauce Recipe

Spinach and Feta Pizza Sauce Recipe
Spinach and Feta Pizza Sauce Recipe


  • Olive Oil: 2 tablespoons, to create a rich base.
  • Garlic: 3 cloves, finely minced, for a robust flavor.
  • Salt and Pepper: To taste, for seasoning.


  • Small Saucepan: To cook the garlic gently.
  • Spoon: For stirring the sauce.


  1. Heat the Olive Oil: In a small saucepan, warm the olive oil over low heat. You want it warm enough to infuse the flavor but not so hot that it smokes.
  2. Sauté the Garlic: Add the minced garlic to the oil and sauté gently. Keep the heat low to avoid burning the garlic, which can introduce a bitter taste. Cook until the garlic is just golden and fragrant, about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Season: Sprinkle in some salt and pepper, adjusting the quantities to suit your taste.

This garlic olive oil sauce is simple yet incredibly effective in bringing out the flavors of the spinach and feta, providing a perfect base that ties all the elements of the pizza together beautifully.

Spinach and Feta Pizza Dough Recipe

Spinach and Feta Pizza Dough Recipe
Spinach and Feta Pizza Dough Recipe

Making the perfect pizza starts with the perfect dough. Here’s how to make a simple, yet delicious pizza dough that will serve as the foundation for your spinach and feta pizza.


  • All-Purpose Flour: 3 cups, for a sturdy yet pliable dough.
  • Warm Water: Approximately 1 cup, to activate the yeast.
  • Active Dry Yeast: 1 packet (2 1/4 teaspoons), to help the dough rise.
  • Olive Oil: 2 tablespoons, for a soft texture and rich flavor.
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon, to enhance the flavor of the dough.
  • Sugar: 1 teaspoon, to feed the yeast and add a slight sweetness.


  • Large Mixing Bowl: Combine and mix the dough ingredients.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: For accurate measurement of ingredients.
  • Kitchen Towel or Plastic Wrap: To shield the dough as it rises.
  • Rolling Pin: For rolling out the dough.


  1. Activate the Yeast: In a small bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water. Sprinkle the yeast over the water and let it sit for about 5 minutes, or until it becomes frothy.
  2. Mix the Ingredients: In the large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Create a well in the center and add the yeast mixture and olive oil.
  3. Knead the Dough: Mix the ingredients until they form a sticky dough. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it for about 7-10 minutes, until it’s smooth and elastic.
  4. Let It Rise: Place the kneaded dough back in the bowl and cover it with a damp kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Allow it to rise in a warm spot for about an hour, or until it doubles in size.
  5. Shape the Dough: Once risen, punch the dough down to release any air bubbles. Turn it out onto a floured surface and divide it if needed, then use a rolling pin to shape it into your desired pizza base.

This dough recipe is versatile and can be used for various types of pizzas, but it pairs exceptionally well with the light and flavorful toppings of spinach and feta.

Best Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe

Best Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe
Best Spinach and Feta Pizza Recipe

Now that we have our ingredients, sauce, and dough ready, let’s put it all together to create the ultimate spinach and feta pizza. Follow these step-by-step instructions to assemble and bake your pizza to perfection.


  • Prepared Pizza Dough: Rolled out to your desired thickness.
  • Garlic Olive Oil Sauce: Prepared as described earlier.
  • Fresh Spinach: Sautéed lightly in olive oil until wilted.
  • Feta Cheese: Crumbled.
  • Mozzarella Cheese: Shredded.
  • Optional Toppings: Such as red onion slices, olives, or sun-dried tomatoes for added flavor.


  • Pizza Stone or Baking Sheet: For baking the pizza.
  • Pizza Cutter or Sharp Knife: For slicing the pizza.
  • Oven: Preheated to a high temperature, typically between 475°F (245°C) to 500°F (260°C).


  1. Preheat the Oven: If you have a pizza stone, place it in the oven and preheat to 500°F (260°C). For a baking sheet, you may not need as high a temperature or preheat the sheet.
  2. Prepare the Base: Spread the garlic olive oil sauce evenly over the rolled-out dough, leaving a small border for the crust.
  3. Add the Spinach: Evenly distribute the sautéed spinach over the sauce.
  4. Add the Cheeses: Sprinkle the crumbled feta cheese over the spinach, then cover with shredded mozzarella. This ensures that every bite has a gooey, cheesy goodness.
  5. Add Optional Toppings: If using, scatter your additional toppings across the cheese.
  6. Bake the Pizza: Transfer the pizza to the preheated pizza stone or baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes until the crust turns golden and the cheese bubbles and browns slightly.
  7. Rest and Serve: Let the pizza cool for a few minutes after baking to allow the cheese to set. Slice and serve warm.

Enjoy your homemade spinach and feta pizza, a healthy yet indulgent treat that is sure to impress your friends and family with its delicious flavors and inviting aroma.


spinach and feta pizza
spinach and feta pizza

There you have it—a simple yet delectable spinach and feta pizza that will become a staple in your home cooking repertoire. Whether you’re looking to impress guests or just want to enjoy a cozy night in, this pizza promises to deliver both incredible flavors and wholesome nutrition. 

So, roll up your sleeves, fire up your oven, and get ready to enjoy a slice of homemade perfection. Don’t forget to share your pizza-making experience and inspire others to try this fantastic recipe!


Can I use frozen spinach instead of fresh for the pizza?

Yes, frozen spinach can be used as a convenient alternative to fresh spinach. Make sure to thaw and thoroughly drain it to remove excess moisture before sautéing, to prevent your pizza from becoming soggy.

What are some good side dishes to serve with spinach and feta pizza?

Light salads, such as a classic Greek salad or a cucumber and tomato salad, complement the richness of the pizza. For something heartier, consider serving with a side of garlic bread or roasted vegetables.

Is there a vegan option for making spinach and feta pizza?

Absolutely! You can substitute vegan cheese for both the mozzarella and feta, and use a vegan-friendly dough. There are many plant-based cheese options available that melt beautifully and offer a similar tangy flavor to feta.

How can I make this pizza gluten-free?

To make a gluten-free version of this pizza, simply use a gluten-free pizza dough mix or a pre-made gluten-free crust. These are readily available in most supermarkets or can be homemade using gluten-free flour blends.

Can I prepare spinach and feta pizza ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the dough and the toppings ahead of time. The dough can be refrigerated overnight or frozen for longer storage. Assemble the pizza just before baking to maintain the best texture and flavor.

2 thoughts on “Master Spinach And Feta Pizza Recipe at Home”

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